About - Chris Roush Photography

Chris Roush Photography Chris Roush Photography


Welcome to my world, where each shutter release tells a story. My photography process is intimate and contemplative, capturing the essence of humanity and our environment.

As a portrait photographer, I weave life's chaos into a rich tapestry using black and white film, ambrotypes, and tintypes. My work extends beyond the shutter snap; in the darkroom, moments transform into platinum palladium, silver gelatin, and salt prints, preserving them for future generations. Each image reflects the connection between the individual, their environment, and my lens.

Inspired by Lora Webb Nichols, Doris Ulman, Gregory Heisler, and Yousuf Karsh, I explore light and shadow to reveal the human spirit. My photography immortalizes moments of simplicity, tradition, and stillness—treasures increasingly elusive in our fast-paced world.

Photography reconnects me with my life and work. The ground glass of the viewfinder centers me, anchoring me to the quiet moments we often overlook. With an MFA in Photography from the Academy of Art, I dedicate myself to preserving the fleeting moments that define us. Each portrait captures a story and the essence of the subject.

Join me in this journey of discovery and preservation, where each frame is a memory and each print a testament to our essence.

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